nedeľa 8. mája 2011

The Idealistic Superwoman- educational article #1

 Since 1960’s women portrayed in television moved from the kitchen to boardroom and not only they have well paid job and build a successful career but they have still enough time to be super mother and wife. The only thing that is missing in regard to superwoman is reality. What can ordinary middle aged woman think of herself when watching superwomen in TV? Who can get up in the morning full of energy to do a breakfast for the family, go running, put a perfect make up on face, drive children to school, get promoted in work, go to a gym after work, pick up children, cook a dinner and still have enough energy left to satisfy husband? It has been proved that the stress associated with trying to fulfil all these roles can increase vulnerability to different disorders. (Barnett, 1986; Orbach, 1978, 1986; Striegel-Moore et al., 1986). As the effect, girls and women who are frequent viewers of TV are less satisfied with their experience and have very negative opinion about their gender.

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